Antimony .999 1 oz Bar


Antimony .999 1 oz Bar


Antimony is not a metal you’d ever expect to find sold as bullion. Hell, it’s not even a metal period. When we started out with our density cube lineup antimony was pretty far down the line in terms of availability with a number of engineering problems needing to be solved before those cubes could be made in large numbers. And yet here we are with our first prototypes of this first metalloid.

We think this will be one of the more difficult ones to keep in stock based on nothing but its sheer beauty. In the collecting community antimony is not at all a favorite given that it crumbles easily leaving a lot of dust behind (which is classed as a skin irritant no less). We’re betting this might change with these new bars given how shiny, perfect and handsome they are. However, it bears repeating that unlike real metals this one breaks easily so best to appreciate it with a good deal of care.

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