Platinum .999 1 oz Bar


Platinum .999 1 oz Bar


Platinum is the third most popularly traded bullion metal after gold and silver. It needs little by way of introduction to investors. Each year, on average, the combined worldwide mining output adds a paltry 180 tons of new metal to the supply chain - a figure equivalent to a train engine or a typical American house. Of this amount nearly half is immediately shunted to the automotive industry where it’s put to the unglamorous use of being turned into catalytic converters. A quarter goes to the much more glamorous jewelry sector and the last quarter is divvied up into at least a half dozen major channels like chemical manufacturing, electronics, dentistry and, of course, into the making of bars and coins. The list of countries having at least dabbled in platinum coinage probably runs into the dozens as it holds the top slot for prestige. That it currently trails gold in value is a historical anomaly which is likely to self correct in the coming years given the demand from so many sectors and, most importantly, the fact that its production rate is just a tenth that of gold.

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