Silver .999 1 oz Bar

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Silver .999 1 oz Bar


Silver. The granddaddy of bullion. Yes, it’s outshined by gold but gold is for the rich. Silver is for everyone else. Even a kid might be spotted a silver coin for a job well done. Well, back when coins were made of silver anyway. Silver coins that bear dates into the 21st century are made strictly for profit and no one would think to actually buy something with it. The reason you don’t part with silver unless you really have to is because you instinctively feel that whatever you get for it will be worth less.

Here we feed your need to hoard this metal with Luciteria’s own branded ounce. We’re not going to claim to be price competitive. In the minting world our pitifully small orders garner no discounts so we pay full price. What we do promise is a very high grade product that you will want to hold onto. Yeah, hoard.

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