Neptunium 50mm Lucite Cube

Neptunium (2).JPG
Neptunium (2).JPG

Neptunium 50mm Lucite Cube


It's technically inaccurate to state that there are only 92 naturally occurring elements. The 93rd, neptunium, is produced (as well as plutonium) in truly miniscule quantities from the decay of other radioactive elements. Essentially all neptunium present on our planet as of this moment has been man-made; and we're talking literally thousands of tons. And virtually all of that amount is considered a nuisance to the governments that worry what to do with it considering it's radioactive waste.

While its long half-life and α-particle form of decay mean little danger for humans in small amounts that is not the same thing as saying it is a metal that can be found with ease. On the contrary, neptunium is one of the most difficult samples to acquire by a collector and can only be procured indirectly through the decay of the small amounts of americium-241 found in smoke detectors.

We sell those samples but this offering is all ink and plastic with a small photograph in center of the rare metal. So, a low cost placeholder for your collection that is free of worry :-)

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