Manganese metal 99.7%

Manganese (3).JPG
Manganese (3).JPG

Manganese metal 99.7%

from $2.00

Manganese is tricky for the collector. It is a common metal found alloyed in many grades of steel and in every fork you put in your mouth. It is much rarer to find it in pure form but metal refineries do carry it as electrolytic chips which - again, keeping in mind the issues of concern to a collector - are downright fugly. Look high, look low and you won't find a bar, ingot, rod, you name it made out of pure manganese anywhere.

Why not?

There are the usual reasons of supply and demand but the most compelling reason is technical. At the high temperatures required to refine manganese it turns out that the normally docile Mn changes character into a monster with a ravenous appetite for oxygen and, additionally, will foul most types of equipment to boot. So not only do you get an ugly oxidized product but you probably ruined your very expensive lab gear as well. Who wants the hassle?

Luciteria has managed to find a limited source of very pure manganese that is far more attractive than those electrolytic chips. No ugly oxides or funky dimply textures here!

CAS 7439-96-5

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